Good morning! Just checking in to assure you that I am still here and everything is up and running. Book is churning out well. Back to early morning start-up and write-down. Trying to get 700 words out each day, so this draft will be done by December. Looking for a release of Elfborn by 2026 at the absolute latest. I know that sounds like forever away, but trust me, it’ll be here before you know it.
Elfborn is the name of my current fantasy novel, inspired by the same world as my previous work, Tang of Fate. Characters are much the same, but the story is different, and the magic system is completely revamped. Magic follows the seasons in this version, with each season giving access to specific powers and abilities through devotion to the sacred beast which presides over that season. Confused yet? Imagine how my main character Terrwyn must feel! She was just a runaway when all this craziness went down. Now she has to fight evil, survive the wilderness, and hope her friends don’t get her into too much trouble along the way.
Calin is a young soldier with something to prove, and Croli is a grumpy wizard who would rather stay inside with a nice book and a blanket.
Sort of.
I was at Dragoncon last week. Fun times! I was dressed as Polka-dot Man, and my friends were Killer Moth and Batman. We triumphed over that pathetic Bats, as you can see in this picture.
Yikes. How’d that get there?
Anyway, I also ran into Bobby Nash, who you may recognize as He Who Never Sleeps, due to his amazing output. I want to be him when I grow up.
And Marcus Williams and Greg Burnham, creators of Tuskegee Heirs, which I’ve spoken on previously. Check them out!
I made them some minicomics which ARE available for sale, so glad you asked! If you’d like a copy of the new Secret Operations #1 or #2, send $5 to over Venmo or Paypal, and I’ll send you a copy in the mail. Preview image posted below. These are NOT the ones available on Indyplanet, so please be advised. These are (somewhat) better.
Yeah, did you know you can actually network at these conventions?
Crazy, I know.
I picked up some author cards as well. Check out this guy S.L. Rowland. He seems legit.
Anyway, I’ve got 700 words to write, so I better close out for now. In the meantime, please do check out Secret Operations #1, or #1 if you’re feeling cheeky. My secret group is also up on Facebook, if you wanna be a super-fan. All that, AND a bag of chips, film at 11!
Ta ta for now. Be good. Call your Momma. Stay out of sin and debauchery!